
Come be a part of a welcoming community of believers between the ages of 18-28. Whether you are pursuing a college education, a career, or have no idea what the future holds, you are welcome here!

When We Connect 

Tuesdays at 6:30 PM

How We Connect

We desire to create a space for young adults to ask questions, explore their faith, and have fun.

Bible Study and Conversations

We enjoy studying a variety of topics; from life and relationships, to Hebrew poetry, we love digging deeper into God's Word. Every subject provides an opportunity for discussion, questions, and growth through conversation.

Fun and Games

One of our favorite ways to relax and unwind after a long day of class, work, or anything else, is to try new games. Bring a board or card game for us to learn and play. Once a month, we break from routine and dedicate our gathering to an activity or excursion. Whether it be a few rounds of mini-golf, a movie night, or a PowerPoint party, we love having fun!

Special Guests

Once a month, we invite guests from our Crosspoint community to visit and share testimony and experience. We enjoy learning from staff, leadership, and congregants alike. Everyone has a story and wisdom to share.

Theological "Bunny Trails"

One of our group's favorite experiences is going beyond the typical Bible lesson and diving deeper into other subjects on our hearts - the end times, the current state of the Church, the meaning of life. Nothing is off limits! We love the opportunity to grow together in unraveling the mysteries of God's creation.